I'm actually feeling pretty good in this challenge so far. Although I have not been as structured with my meals as I would like to be and have not completed all the exercises as described in our guide, I feel that I have already made some changes in the way I think and feel about this part of my life.

Thanks for your mental support in the exercise department by the way. After your remarks about the difficulty adhering to the challenge when going for dinner with friends and mine exercise wise, I've given some thought as to what this 21 day challenge means to me. Especially since I've already started eating primal/healthy food some months ago to help me avoid gluten for medical reasons. 

It's actually not so much to see wether I am disciplined enough to not eat anything that I am not allowed to eat according to a certain list. I wish to 'reset' my body again since I've been slacking a bit in the carbs-section recently. Also I'd like to experience what happens to my body going through the 21 days. I am aiming towards a style of living in which I am more and more aware of the nutrition and exercise I provide to my body. Being aware of what the they offer me and attempting to make the best possible choices to reach that goal in any situation I find myself in. 

Looking at your dinner party with friends last night and my exercise issues from that perspective, I feel that we both made the best possible choices in the setting and therefore we are still putting ourselves to the challenge.

Old habits die hard and I've read that it takes about three weeks to grow new habits. We'll see how it goes, but I am pretty sure that your See Food = Eat Food habit will gradually leave and be replaced by a new one: See No-Food = Say No to Food.
I am actually quite curious to find out what your motivations were to join me in this challenge.

As for your question on the coconut milk, I usually have Nutco in cans. I find that it tastes good and it is not too runny. I believe it's one of the brands that do not add too many alien ingredients to their coconut milk.

Anyway, foodwise I've been doing ok under 'the circumstances'. I've done some fasting today and yesterday, without thinking about it too much. I just simply didn't have any breakfast. 
Another sauerkraut pie for lunch today, with a grapefruit. And yesterdays dinner was a lovely omelet with bacon and some left over veggies (broccoli and courgette) topped off with some fresh herbs from the garden and some grated cheese. It made a tasty, complete and nutricious meal.

Today I made the mistake of not bringing any extra snacks and leaving work at 21PM. It's a one hour drive to get home. I stopped for a quick salad with some french fries at a fast food shed as I knew I would not be preparring any meal after 22PM. Am feeling a bit stupid for doing this, but I feel  I should at least be frank to you..! Next week, when my colleague returns from his holiday I'll have more spare time allowing me to plan my meals and my cooking better. Perhaps I did not think my schedule through when we decided to start the challenge this week ;)

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    On their journey towards a healthy(er) lifestyle, two Dutch girls use this blog to keep each other informed about their progress and experiences. 
    Keywords: gluten free, starch free, no refined carbs, primal, paleo. 
    Their starting point is the Primal Blueprint '21 day Challenge'. Let's see where else this expedition will take them...

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